Throughout my whole professional career, I had and actually: still have, the opportunity to work on specific technology development topics. Often these technologies find their origin in the classical, fundamental research stage. A good example to mention in this context is Philips Research, where I developed a very solid network with some key-departments and people.

Via the definition of a specific innovation program, i/e development programs and related setup of responsible organizations/teams, I am able to develop such technology in an optimum way i/e bridge between the research and end-product/market in a successful manner. For existing companies this is often done in combination with an internal due-diligence to identify specific SWOT elements of such organization. In case of a start-up, all will be newly defined.

The actual innovation is then taken care of via the so-called route-to-market, i/e a maturity flow with clear defined steps looking at: the research (fundamentals), technology development (proof-of-principle, proof-of-concept, reference design) and product development (MVP & product gen-X). Enclosed illustration shows the basic steps of this route-to-market.

For each of the above steps, the specific technology, IP, critical materials/components, principles/concepts, prototyping, supply & manufacturing (partnership), testing and business development aspects will need to be identified and executed upon accordingly.

In case you are in need for such INNOVATION and require assistance with the definition, organization and operational execution, please do not hesitate to contact me.